تحب الموسيقى، ترغب في متابعة اخبار الفن والفنانين؟
هذا هو المكان المناسب لك
إن كنتَ عاشقا لعالم الموسيقى الرائع والمتشعّب، فسوف تتيح لك صفحة " Radio Zahle" "راديو زحلة" على موقع فايسبوك للتواصل الإجتماعي اختيار عدد من الأغاني الخالدة سواء عربيّة أو أجنبيّة والتي راجت بشكل هائل خلال الحقبة الذهبيّة للفن بالإضافة إلى الوقوف عند آخر أخبار الفنانين العرب والأجانب ونشاطاتهم المتفرّقة.
Radio Zahle is a live broadcasting Radio that was founded by our beloved “killer DJ”, who has given us over a Decade of Experienced mixing of Arabic and English music of vast genres. The experience he attained from performances in several well-known clubs, notorious beach parties and exclusive events in both Lebanon and several Middle East countries.
However, originally the Radio initiated with an exclusive membership personally selected by the founder which was formerly to be a mere small project. As its popularity grew exceeding all expectations with hundreds of listener appeals, in turn, overloading our servers which at the time were not structured to accommodate and cope with such demand; this was the moment when serious thought and planning went into our consideration for our next big step - officially airing and broadcasting our music online for our growing beloved listeners worldwide.
Moreover, our beloved “Killer DJ” began putting together a professional team of fellow DJ’s, web developers, customer service representatives, and a content management team to manage the Radio. On the 1st of January 2012, the decision was made to officially commence broadcasting.
In conclusion to all the hard work and preparation, our primary goals and expectations in launching our Radio were to air our music reaching both the hearts and minds of the Lebanese and Arab expatriate listeners all over the world.
We hope to share and keep the warm nostalgic feelings alive, for every member of our station and our beloved listeners.